NE OF OUR PHYSICIANS came to work one morning at the CHRISTUS St. Mary
Outpatient Center despite feeling a bit under the weather. It was
obvious in his appearance, and the nurses kept checking on him, but
he denied that anything was wrong. Later, the doctor decided to get
an EKG. He was having a heart attack and did not even realize it!
Staff nearby immediately called an ambulance to rush him to CHRISTUS
St. Mary Hospital.
In less than one hour, cardiac catheterization was performed and
he remained in the intensive care unit to prepare for a coronary
artery bypass graft the next day. Fortunately, his recovery was
This event was certainly a miracle. One of our very own caregivers
was in desperate need of our care when he was at his weakest. When
the doctor experienced a heart attack, it was fortunate for him
and for all of us that he happened to be on duty, and surrounded
by people who knew exactly what to do. Today, he continues to see
patients, enjoys ballroom dancing on the weekends and has the opportunity
to watch his grandchild grow.
Joyce Manuel, P.T.
Physical Medicine
CHRISTUS St. Mary Hospital
Port Arthur, Texas