I found not only words to live by, but words to work by. Shortly
before I started to work there, my church family prayed for a special
job for me to serve the Lord and others. Around that time, the Lord
woke me early one morning with a message in a song that “I will
make a way where there seems to be no way.”
walk and mission with CHRISTUS St. Mary Hospital began about one
year ago. I direct the Medical Records department, which keeps me
busy, but it is the “Spirit In Action” of the employees
at CHRISTUS St. Mary that is Gods unique blessing to me.
One day, Sister Marisa gave me a beautiful picture
of a tiny newborn cradled in an elderly persons hands. A quote
from Albert Einstein was on the picture. It said, “There are
two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle,
and the other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Each day, I see the healing ministry of Jesus Christ
at work at CHRISTUS St. Mary. I see it in the administrators who
compliment or hug whenever the need arises, or a new employee who
charts reports on patients in the ICU and takes a moment to pray
for each person who is so gravely ill. I have seen many nurses,
physicians, Associates and Sisters pray for my own mother who was
near death in this hospital for two months. I have seen God bless
me with the close, spiritual friendship of a Sister who often stops
to share a prayer or a picture of red flowersmy own reminder
of the miracles in my life. I had once shared with her, that shortly
after my fathers death, a red flower grew by his grave. It
grew in a very cold, dry earth that should have produced no flowers
until spring.
So many memories have been created already! Many
miracles, indeed, because Jesus has placed the care of His people
in the arms of angels all those who serve Him at CHRISTUS
St. Mary Hospital.
I can never be thankful enough for the love that
surrounds me
the ties that cannot be broken as we are bound
together in Christs love.
Carol Standfield, Medical Records
CHRISTUS St. Mary Hospital
Port Arthur, Texas